So low, the curb looks like a skyscraper
So quiet, I can hear the blood rushin' through my veins
So high, the stars are under me
So low, I feel like I'm goin' insane The angels, they watch in wonder
Through the rain and the thunder
When U made love 2 me U cried in ecstacy
I felt sorry 4 all creation be
U were so kind
Cuz at the time, no one was lucky And now U're gone and I just wanna be still
No one was lucky, no one was lucky as me
So silent, I'll just let my senses sleep
It's gonna be so hard 2 hear my voice If I ever learn once more 2 speak
I'm so lost, no one can find me
And I've been looking 4 so long
But now I'm done
I'm so low, so low, my name is "No One.
האתר פועל ברישיון אקו"ם
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